Downtown and County Road E Revolving Loan

The Revolving Loan and Grant Program (RLGP) is aimed at improving the utility and appearance of Downtown or County Road E businesses while encouraging the leveraging of private investment which would otherwise not occur. The program provides up to $40,000 for a term of up to 10 years at two percent interest. Revolving loan program participation requires a 100 percent match by an authorized participating White Bear Lake located financial institution. The program also offers grants to those businesses financing at least $20,000, and completing exterior improvements. If interested see the attached document for more information.
Contact Tracy Shimek
Tracy Shimek City of White Bear Lake P: (651) 762-4838 E:
Additional Information
County Road E Revolving Loan and Grant Program Handbook
Revolving Loan and Grant Program Guidelines and Regulations Handbook
White Bear Lake
Grants and Financing
Business Expansion and Job Creation
Coverage Map